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Who is the NFL player with the most losses?

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    The Los Angeles Rams, the defending Super Bowl champions, played the Buffalo Bills on Thursday night to mark the beginning of the 2022/23 NFL season. With a 31-10 victory, the Bills left the field as winners. At the end of the season, both are expected to be among the top contenders.

    Week 1 of NFL 2022 is stacked with more exciting matchups that will no doubt help the NFL get off the mark in style. However, do you know which team holds the record for the most losses in NFL history?

    What is the record for the most NFL losses?

    The Arizona Cardinals hold the record for the most losses in the history of the National Football League.

    Since joining the NFL in 1920 (the league's inaugural season), the Cardinals have suffered more defeats than any other team (777 in 102 seasons). Since joining the NFL in 1930, the Detroit Lions have dropped 694 games (in 92 seasons), placing them second on the list of all-time defeats.

    The Tampa Bay Buccaneers, however, have the poorest winning percentage in NFL history (40.14 percent).

    The NFL's Arizona Cardinals got off to the best start of any team last season. Despite a strong 7-0 start and signing All-Pros J. J. Watt and A. J. Green before the season began, the team experienced their second straight late-season collapse, slipping to the fifth seed after losing four of their final five games.

    On their path to winning Super Bowl LVI, the Cardinals were defeated by the rivals Los Angeles Rams in the Wild Card playoffs.

    After 10 years with the organisation, cornerback Patrick Peterson left for free agency, and wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald decided not to sign with any team after 17 years there.

    This season, though, they'll hope for a reversal in fortunes. They haven't done it in the previous two years.

    But first, the team must deal with the absence of receiver DeAndre Hopkins for the first six games of his ban for abusing performance-enhancing drugs in the NFL. This season might end with a playoff spot if they can accomplish that and avoid a second-half collapse.


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    Author: Kathleen Hanson

    Last Updated: 1702084442

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    Author information

    Name: Kathleen Hanson

    Birthday: 1908-12-26

    Address: 85619 Smith Meadow, Valerieshire, AZ 68116

    Phone: +4466491509610908

    Job: Civil Engineer

    Hobby: Bird Watching, Puzzle Solving, Graphic Design, Coin Collecting, Badminton, Juggling, Crochet

    Introduction: My name is Kathleen Hanson, I am a dedicated, resolved, vivid, important, esteemed, Open, unyielding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.