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Most recent account enhancements on Ebury Online

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    In the latest of the series of improvements to our online platform, Ebury Online, clients can now request your own account details for a large range of countries and currencies direct from their account making it even easier to manage your accounts and balances.


    hat’s more, clients that have multiple accounts in one currency can now view all their account details when selecting the currency in Ebury Online. IBAN, account number, sort code and SWIFT details for each account can be accessed via a simple drop down list.

    If you are already an Ebury client, log in here to see the latest updates. If you would like to find out more about Ebury please contact our team.


    Article information

    Author: Jennifer Velez

    Last Updated: 1703962082

    Views: 888

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (96 voted)

    Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Jennifer Velez

    Birthday: 1939-07-19

    Address: 7138 Eric Springs, Millershire, ID 34383

    Phone: +4421019034386057

    Job: Paramedic

    Hobby: Running, Golf, Chocolate Making, Drone Flying, Juggling, Scuba Diving, Playing Piano

    Introduction: My name is Jennifer Velez, I am a courageous, Open, vivid, persistent, strong-willed, ingenious, capable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.